Roman numerals are represented by seven different letters: I, V, X, L, C, D and M. Which represent the numbers 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500 and 1,000. The sum of all 7 = 1+5+10+50+100+500+1000 = 1666
Here we have an equation with roman numerals 11/8 = 6. Can you move one match stick so that the equation is correct?
Fill in the blanks with letters from the Roman numerals.
Fill in the blanks with letters from the roman numerals MDCLXVI -
_____ _eta__ (very colorful) _nse_t____a_ (bug killing) __n__a__st__ (simple) _____e _n_t_a_ (For Bush, W) _en_ ____ ____ (Caesar quote) ____e_an_ _us__ (hot jazz) _e___ B. _e____e (famed director) a____e _o_u_n_st (e.g., Dear Abby) we__-___ers_f_e_ (portfolio quality) he_a_e___a_ __g_t (F in FACE) _e__e_a_ _e____ne (often used leeches)