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Who won the WBO Oriental Super Middleweight title on 05 August 2017?

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Who won the WBO Oriental Super Middleweight title on 05 August 2017?
posted Aug 8, 2017 by Sumanth K

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Vijender Singh beat Maimaitiali to win WBO Oriental Super Middleweight title on 5 august 2017. Vijender Singh gave an exhibition of his class during the slugfest, and his experience came in handy during 10 intense rounds. Using his height and greater reach to good effect, Vijender Singh most of the time had the better of exchanges with his straight ones and hooks landing flush on Maimaitiali, whose blows didn’t have the desired effect.
Vijender Singh beat Maimaitiali to win WBO Oriental Super Middleweight title

answer Aug 9, 2017 by Shubham Murthy