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Question regarding the counter maintainance in PCEF, OCS and PCRF

+2 votes

Lets say we have counter 1, for a subscriber1, configured in SPR. Lets say this counter1 indicates that the QOS is throttled from 520kbps to 220kbps, when the usage exceeds the lets say 50MB in one month. This is what i understood..Now my query, is does this apply to only GBR bearers in the Subscriber ? And does it apply to all the dedicated GBR bearers ?
How is it applicable for the non GBR bearers ?

Also the PCEF, needs to send the CCR to OCS, i am not able to see how the PCEF is configured to trigger these reports back to OCS. (Is it by the CCA sent by the PCRF, that triggers this reporting from PCEF to PCRF ?)

posted Dec 18, 2015 by Pdk

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1 Answer

+3 votes
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For the query 1: Logic can be applied to any subscriber and any kind of service, may it be a GBR bearer or Non-GBR bearer
With each Non-GBR bearer also there is a MBR attached to it. Also, there is something called as APN-AMBR used by all the Non-GBR bearer, so even that may be throttled.

For query 2: I did not understand it properly to be honest.

Peeyush Sharma

answer Dec 18, 2015 by Peeyush Sharma
Thanks a lot Peeyush.

For the non GBR i thought it is APN-AMBR.

Since the QOS sent in lets say RAR ( by the volte call initiation) is for a particular Dedicated bearer. But the policy counter refers to the "total data used by all GBR(non GBR ?) bearers"..So when this used bytes by all bearers (all GBR bearers) exceed the limited amount(as per policy counter), all the GBR bearers Data rate defaults to a new rate for the MBR.

My second Q:: Lets say PCEF keeps doing the count of bytes for a subscriber for all the bearers ...When the limit reaches for the daily , it needs to trigger CCR to OCS. How is this info (trigger info) conveyed to PCEF. ? ( I am looking for message and AVPs that trigger this reporting at PCEF)
What i meant was MBR for each SDF known to PGW only.
This is internal to PGW. PGW user-plane should keep a track of data that flows through the SDF installed and quota granted for it. Then PGW should communicate the same to OCS
But there must be some trigger in PGW to send this to OCS.
(lets say if the PGW doesnot have the implementation now, it wont send anything)
Granted quota by OCS
Once that is consumed PGW should send the update
May be my understanding of this scenario is limited, but i will put a basic flow.
Please correct me if im wrong
PCEF                  PCRF                  OCS
<===IP CAN Session Est========>
                               SLAnswer(Policy counter Status Resp(PCId, PC status)
                                   SNR(PC status Resp}
Hi Priya,
The above flow diagram is correct. Just I will put a note.
The above scenario worked based on the PUSH mechanism on which PCRF can provide the PCC Rules to PCEF.
the OCS informs the PCRF of a status change to a policy counter using the Diameter SNR message over the Sy interface. As a result of these changes, the PCRF pushes a new PCC rule to the PCEF using the Diameter RAR message (Re-Authorization Request).
One Additional information : If the subscription profile changes for a subscriber with an active data session, the SPR informs the PCRF over the Sp interface.
So External Trigger for PCRF can happen over Sy and Sp interface.
Thanks a lot Chinmoy, Your inputs will help me a lot.

I am now bit stuck regarding, which AVP configures the counters in PCEF and sends a indication to OCS, on expiry. May be i need to dig little bit deeper for this into the specs.. But will help me a lot, if you have any hints reg this
Hi Pdk

Could you please tell me if you know about what is in 3gpp standard for this case?

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Hi all,

We have complexity linked to Gy and Gx interfaces.

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Rule1= Reports RatingGroup1
Rule2= Reports RatingGroup2

When PCRF install Rule 1 on Gx, the ratingGroup reported by PGW to OCS is RatingGroup1
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Thanks a lot

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I am going through the spec 3gpp 29.219(Sy interface) and trying to understand the call flow and AVPS between the OCS and PCRF.

The PCRF sends the the list of Policy counters to OCS initially and OCS will store it against the Sy session. How does the Counter identifiers be identified uniquely b.w OCS and PCRF ?

Because the spec says, If the OCS determines that any policy counter identifiers are invalid, the OCS shall return a response with the Result-Code AVP set to DIAMETER_INVALID_AVP_VALUE.

But my doubt is, how the Policy counter Ids are known across the OCS and PCRF.

Any help in this area is very helpful


+1 vote

I am going through the 32.299 and trying to figure out the contents of the CCR message.

Section 6.4.2 lists the AVPS in that message, I am looking for how the PCEF sends the "used bytes" to OCS. The "Multiple services credit control" looks like the one. But need some inputs and help on this AVP. Or please correct me if I am wrong.
