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What is REPL in Scala? What is the use of Scala’s REPL?

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What is REPL in Scala? What is the use of Scala’s REPL? How to access Scala REPL from CMD Prompt?

posted Oct 7, 2016 by Joy Nelson

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1 Answer

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REPL stands for Read-Evaluate-Print Loop. We can pronounce it as ‘ripple’. In Scala, REPL is acts as an Interpreter to execute Scala code from command prompt. That’s why REPL is also known as Scala CLI(Command Line Interface) or Scala command-line shell.

The main purpose of REPL is that to develop and test small snippets of Scala code for practice purpose. It is very useful for Scala Beginners to practice basic programs.

We can access REPL by using “scala” command. When we type “scala” command at CMD Prompt, we will get REPL shell where we can type and execute scala code.

D:\> scala

answer Oct 20, 2016 by Karthick.c
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