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LTE: How to add rule activation time and rule deactivation time AVP within Charging Rule Install AVP?

+3 votes
LTE: How to add rule activation time and rule deactivation time AVP within Charging Rule Install AVP?
posted Feb 9, 2017 by anonymous

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1 Answer

+2 votes

Charging-Rule-Install AVP carries policy and charging rules along with the "rule activation" and "rule deactivation" sub AVPs. Only one instance of these two AVPs would be present within the Charing-Rule-Install AVP. Charging-Rule-Install is a grouped AVP which contains some other AVPs.
Charging-Rule-Install ::= < AVP Header: 1001 >
*[ Charging-Rule-Definition ]
*[ Charging-Rule-Name ]
*[ Charging-Rule-Base-Name ]
[ Bearer-Identifier ]
[ Rule-Activation-Time ]
[ Rule-Deactivation-Time ]

[ Resource-Allocation-Notification ]
[ Charging-Correlation-Indicator ]
*[ AVP ]

Rule-Activation-Time and Rule-Deactivation-Time both AVPs are of type Time and this is NTP time. Value of these two AVPs are applicable for all the PCC rules included in the Charging-Rule-Install AVP.

Charging-Rule-Install AVPs are included while building CCA and RAR messages. If there is a requirement to add Rule Activation and De-activation then include these two into the Charging-Rule-Install AVP.

answer Feb 17, 2017 by Harshita
Thank you. One more thing that i want to know is while implementing rule activation and rule deactivation time we add these with TIME_ADD function. So in that what is the value that we have to pass in place of UTC_secs field. Should we pass hexa-decimal value or decimal value of the time ?
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enter image description here


For the CCR (Initial Request), the CCA is of the above format in my internal testsetup. This seems like Dynamic Rule configuration. I am not sure whether we need to send info like "Flow information" or TFT in CCA. This was answered earlier by Peeyush ( that it is not needed). But wanted to crosscheck the same ?

{ Imp Please Note: This is my initial basic implementation, so only basic necessary AVPs are handled. }

Thanks a lot for the comments and replies

+1 vote

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Tariff for GroupA £0.5/KB

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{ just to clarify based on which AVP in the CCRequest }

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