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When does Default EPS bearer get deactivated?

+1 vote
When does Default EPS bearer get deactivated?
posted Nov 27, 2014 by anonymous

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1 Answer

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Default Bearer gets established when a UE attaches with LTE core-network and connects with a PDN network e.g. Internet. Default bearers gives UE an 'always-on' connectivity with that PDN till the time UE is attached. When UE deactivates from that PDN network, its default bearer gets deactivated.

answer Nov 29, 2014 by Deepak Sachdeva
I think deactivation is somehow related to UE ECM-IDLE and ECM-CONNECTED states. In that case, default bearer deactivates when UE moves from ECM-CONNECTED to ECM-IDLE state. As per my understanding, deactivation means "there is no data flow".
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