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What are the advantages and disadvantages of SqlServer Session mode?

+5 votes
What are the advantages and disadvantages of SqlServer Session mode?
posted Dec 11, 2014 by Manikandan J

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1 Answer

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(1) Session provide us the way of maintain user state/data.
(2) It is very easy to implement.
(3) One big advantage of session is that we can store any kind of object in it. :eg, datatabe, dataset.. etc
(4) By using session we don't need to worry about data collesp, because it store every client data separately.
(5) Session is secure and transparent from the user.


(1)Performance overhead in case of large volumes of data/user, because session data is stored in server memory.
(2) Overhead involved in serializing and de-serializing session data, because in the case of StateServer and SQLServer session modes, we need to serialize the objects before storing them.

answer Dec 14, 2014 by Shivaranjini