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Why Gxc interface (PCRF-SGW) is needed when we have Gx interface(PCRF-PGW)?

+3 votes
Why Gxc interface (PCRF-SGW) is needed when we have Gx interface(PCRF-PGW)?
posted Jan 13, 2015 by anonymous

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1 Answer

+2 votes

I'm not quite sure but I'll tell you about my experience. A lot of operator uses SAE-GW instead S-GW and P-GW separated. This architecture can avoid to use Gxc interface using only Gx. However, if you have to use S-GW separated for geographical purposes or if you use P-GW separated by applications, you use Gxc for QoS treatment. The Gxc interface is only applicable in the S5 PMIP variant and, in this case, S-GW acts as BBERF.

I extracted this paragraph from

The PCC rule needs to be mapped to a particular IP-CAN bearer to ensure the packets receive the appropriate QoS treatment. The association between PCC rule and a bearer is referred to as bearer binding. The bearer binding is done by the Bearer Binding Function (BBF). The BBF is located either in the PCEF (if GTP is used as the protocol on S5/S8 interface aka. on-path model) or the BBERF (if Mobile IP is used as the protocol on S5/S8 interface aka. off-path model).
When the PCRF sends new or modified PCC rules to the PCEF or BBERF (depending upon the location of BBF), the BBF evaluates whether it is possible to use one of the existing IP-CAN bearers and initiate IP-CAN Bearer Modification procedure or initiate a new IP-CAN Bearer Establishment procedure. The binding is created between the Service Data Flow(s) and the IP-CAN bearer which has the same QoS Class Identifier (QCI - applies to user plane) and Allocation and Retention Priority (ARP - applies to control plane).

answer Jun 17, 2015 by anonymous
It was my answer :)
Thanks for answering and helping people :)
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Rule1= Reports RatingGroup1
Rule2= Reports RatingGroup2

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Thanks a lot
