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what is "cs- fallbackhighpriority" cause in rrc connection release message?

+3 votes
what is "cs- fallbackhighpriority" cause in rrc connection release message?
posted Nov 11, 2014 by Gnanendra Reddy

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Circuit switch fallback means of changing from packet switching to cs because of network coverage(changing 3g in urban to 2g in rural areas).

1 Answer

+1 vote

CS Fallback means that the EPC is telling the RAN that CSFB must be performed, presumably because the UE is initiating or receiving a circuit voice call.

Now coming to your question, I believe that cs-fallbackhighpriority is intended for use in emergency calls that need to be sent to the UMTS network to be handled (though not 100% sure)

answer Nov 11, 2014 by Rajni